Public Benefit Corporation

It entails tripartite responsibility to advance clients' interests, owners' profits, and public benefit. This is a favorable structure enabled by Subchapter XV of the Delaware General Corporation Law.

We Offer

Concentrated investment opportunities for qualified clients in a Delaware limited partnership that we think can substantially protect equity-oriented portfolios. We anticipate (without certainty but with reasonable confidence) triple digit cumulative percentage returns in 1–5 years with strong macroeconomic downside protection.

Investor Questionnaire

We invest based on fundamental factors, and prospective returns are among the most compelling we have seen in decades.

Background for Investors

We work to own securities and derivatives fundamentally worth more than their prices. Background for investors:

M&A Advisory

We offer select M&A advisory engagements:


For Investors

Our prospective returns rival triple digit percentage gains our manager anticipated and realized in 2009 and 2002–2003. For investors:


Public Benefit

Beyond our statutory requirement to consider public benefit in investment decisions, we suggest harmonious public policy contra the march to dystopia in progress. One pillar of this is capitalist full employment opportunity to squash poverty and stabilize economies, in stark contrast to universal basic income conducive to biometric subservience. Another is ending non-consensual body- and brain-computer interfaces with human trafficking known as targeted individual torture operations. You can select the right link button in each box to view details:

Full Employment Opportunity

Full Employment Opportunity

Capitalist full employment opportunity with macroeconomic stability:
Healthcare Rationalized

Healthcare Rationalized

Since the following publication, amid sabotage of myriad injections beside proliferation of nanotechnology aerially and...
Banks’ Reincorporation

Banks’ Reincorporation

The future of banking:
Replacing the FCC

Replacing the FCC

Remedying wireless malevolence:
Preempting Collapse

Preempting Collapse

Nations have yet to preempt the blueprint in William Guy Carr’s Pawns in the Game:
Foundations of Harmonious Society

Foundations of Harmonious Society

Dystopian pursuits vs. Infinity B:
For TI Torture Resolution

For TI Torture Resolution

This page details targeted individual (TI) torture operations known as the “silent holocaust,” “slow-kill” or...


While qualified investors may prefer to invest with us, we welcome donations

𐍊 These briefs enable capitalist full employment opportunity with macroeconomic stability.


Our Team

Stellar team members will be featured in due course. Our CEO, Noam Grunes, has managed investments since 2002, attended university on a full-tuition scholarship, and offered public benefit ideas in Vidya from

Noam Grunes
Noam Grunes

Noam Grunes

For Targeted Individuals

Genuine targeted individuals familiar with disclosures by Will Filer and Carl Clark are cordially invited to complete our TI Questionnaire. Several respondents may be invited to join an Infinity B Corporation Advisory Board. (For curious investors, many "targeted individuals (TI's) fit a common profile. Most are around 40 years old, have an above average IQ and a history of political activism." — Marshall Thomas' Monarch: The New Phoenix Program. Generally they endured torture and offer considerable insight.)

TI Questionnaire